It is with great joy that we welcome you to Greater New Mt. Zion Baptist Church's website.  It is our desire to assist you in your daily walk with God.

We seek to worship the Lord and give Him the praise. Only He is worthy of all praise.  We also desire to see the worshipper touched, changed, and challenged to be an effective witness for Jesus Christ.

Thank you for visiting GNMZ's website, and may God continue to bless and keep You.

Sunday Services

9:00 AM  -  Sunday School (Bible study classes for all ages)
10:30 AM  -  Morning Worship Experience
     Children's Ministry (Ages 3-12)

Wednesday Services

7:00 PM - Bible Study for all ages


Need a ride to church? Call us. (210) 413-2639
We will try our best to provide a ride by making 
arrangements with our van ministry.

Our Statement of Purpose:

"To lift up Jesus in our worship and to be a guiding light to the sinner in darkness" 

John 12:32 - Matthew 5:14 - Philippians 2:15