Mrs. Rosie Lee Pullin was a devout Christian woman who devoted her life to living like Christ. She was always involved in mission work in her church, the Guadalupe Landmark District Association, the City Wide Missionary Workers Guild, her community, her extended family and her home. She visited the sick and shut-ins in their homes as well as those in the nursing homes. Mission was her life until her health began to fail and her abilities became limited.
She was truly an awesome woman of God who enjoyed her church. She believed in attending as many worship experiences as she could fit into her schedule. You always knew when she was in the house because when the Spirit was high, you could hear her voice resonating "Oh Glory!" through the building.
She was a Titus woman. According to Titus 2:3-5, she mastered all the criteria necessary to teach younger women how to live reverently. She helped many ministers and deacons' wives learn how to fulfill their role as a ministry companion to their husbands. Because of who she was and still is, her son has honored her memory by setting up the Rosie L. Pullin Scholarship Fund to help deserving young people.
Aunt Ro'Lee, as she was affectionately known to many, joined the GNMZ family in 2007. She ended this earthly walk in 2015. She will always be greatly missed but never forgotten. She will always be loved and not just liked. She was a SPECIAL LADY.
To God be the Glory.